Compare the top smart home stuff!
It can be intimidating to figure out which smart outlets are best for you, but there are only a handful of features to consider when choosing one.
Here are some steps on how to get started using your Rockbirds smart outlet for your home.
Smart outlets can notify you when they lose power, so you won't have to worry about your devices becoming unplugged.
This blog post will show you how to connect a smart outlet to your Google Home device so you can control it remotely or through voice control with just one phrase: talk to your Assistant on Google Home.
What if your lights were turned off automatically as soon as you walked out the door? That’s where smart home devices come in.
The amount of current they can handle varies depending on the model and make of the outlet. Keep reading!
Here are some tips on how to pair your smart life outlet with Alexa.
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to change an electrical outlet but didn’t know how to do it?